Adventures in Code

What I've discovered during my Flatiron coding experience

Abstraction FTW

I’ve been writing increasingly complicated code during my time at Flatiron. My classes and methods can do more, but I also notice that the code feels more brittle. My code does what I ask it to do, but I can’t reuse it to do similar tasks elsewhere.

Tea Shopper CLI Gem

My command line interface (CLI) Ruby gem student project, Tea Shopper, scrapes tea data from the web and allows users to compare teas by name, price per ounce, and tea shop. When the user chooses a tea, it displays specific details, such as purchase URL, flavors, region, and description. Check out the short demonstration video.

Using Splat (*) to Manipulate Arrays and Methods

The splat operator (*) is the most flexible Ruby tool I’ve come across. Not sure how many inputs your method will receive? Want a flexible shortcut to create, join, or break up arrays? What about a handy way to pass arguments to methods? Splat can help.

Diving Back In

In my early career, I was a webmaster, building the web when Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer 4 were the cutting edge. What started as a hobby in college turned into fun and challenging positions in Silicon Valley companies like Alexa Internet and The Internet Archive, where I helped build the Wayback Machine.